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Recharge & Bill

If your recharge transaction is failed by any reason you can expect a refund after 5 to 7 working days from date of transaction (if amount is not claimed by the operator). If the amount is claimed by the operator within 2 working days, then your recharge is considered successful.

If that recharge shows Pending state then it will take 2 to 3 hours to be successful otherwise you may contact to our customer care. 98183 16371 or write us on

Wait for 5 minutes after the payment is successfully done. If your mobile number is still not recharged then you may contact us. 98183 16371 or write us on

If you recharge on wrong number by mistake or in haste, you can immediately call the customer care number of the telecom operator and give all the information. That is, how much was the recharge, which company's number was recharged, which app was recharged, etc. Apart from that you can send all the information to the concerned company’s email.


Step 1: Visit the airline's official website or the flight booking website.
Step 2: Log into the platform with your credentials.
Step 3: Under the "My Account" tab, select the booked flight ticket that you wish to reschedule.
Step 4: You will find the option "Request for Reschedule". Most airlines will provide you with the option to reschedule your flight ticket entirely or parts of it. Choose accordingly.
Step 5: After making changes, submit your request.
Step 6: You will get a confirmation notification once your rescheduling is confirmed.
*Note: The above steps are a general overview. Some of the factors might vary from one airline to another as well as the booking sites.
You may contact to our customer care. 98183 16371 or write us on
Attention: Bookings can be reschedule according to the availability of the flights and I can only be reschedule 3 hours prior to the time of departure.

Step 1: Go to the airline's website.
Step 2: Head to Edit/Manage Booking option.
Step 3: Enter the PNR number and the last name of the passenger whose ticket needs to be downloaded.
Step 4: Finally, select Get/Retrieve Itinerary. On this screen, you can download flight ticket from PNR.
Open the email we send you with the PDF(s) attached – this is separate to your booking confirmation email.

Ans. Seat prices are decided by the bus operator based on certain factors such as type of seat (sleeper/seater) and whether the seat is in the front or the back of a bus.

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